We are proud of our December and January Character Kids. Great job showing compassion and tolerance!
about 9 hours ago, Mendenhall, Kristen
South Holt students participated in the Holt County Spelling Bee today in Craig. Congratulations South Holt 8th Graders Kallie Greife (3rd Place) and Eden Allen (1st Place). Congratulations to 5th Grader Blakely McCourt (2nd Place). Great job representing South Holt!
about 21 hours ago, Mendenhall, Kristen
Spelling Bee
South Holt does not have a basketball game on Friday, Feb 7th. There are some printed calendars that incorrectly listed a game on that night. Sorry for the confusion. The Knights play next on Tues, Feb 11th at St Joe Christian.
1 day ago, Ted Quinlin
The South Holt Community Teachers Association is hosting a baked potato bar fundraiser February 18th from 4:30-7:00 (or until gone). Free will donation is appreciated. Please consider supporting our SH teachers!
2 days ago, Anderson, Nicole
South Holt Hillyard students will not attend classes on Wed, Feb 5th as the St Joe School District has canceled classes.
2 days ago, Ted Quinlin
Due to icy road conditions, South Holt will not have school today, February 5. This will be AMI Day #4. Stay safe.
2 days ago, Mendenhall, Kristen
South Holt is Hiring! We are looking to fill a Cook position for the 25-26 school year. Please see the Employment Section on our website for a description. Interested parties may contact Mrs Jean Peavler at 660-446-2282 or peavlerj@southholtr1.com.
3 days ago, South Holt R-1
Home high school basketball tonight at South Holt. JV starts at 5:30pm against West Platte. Followed by a varsity girls and boys game. It's also Youth Cheer Night. And Kiwanis Free Popcorn Night.
4 days ago, Ted Quinlin
Great effort by the JH Scholar Bowl team last night at Craig School. The team won all 3 matches and finished the season with an overall record of 11 wins and 1 loss. Members of JH Scholar Bowl are Liam Kerns, Eden Allen, Kristin Quinlin, Hale Coleman, Jager Morris, Morgan Medsker, and Ryan Schuman.
7 days ago, Ted Quinlin
The South Holt boys and girls basketball teams play again today in the King City Tournament. The girls play at 4:30pm and the boys play at 5:45pm. The bus will leave South Holt at 3:05pm. Good luck Knights!
7 days ago, Ted Quinlin
South Holt is celebrating the Kansas City Chiefs as they get ready for the Super Bowl. South Holt staff and students are encouraged to support the KC Chiefs by participating in spirit days next week. How 'bout those CHIEFS?!
7 days ago, Mendenhall, Kristen
Congratulations to Cole Medsker of the South Holt Knights basketball team as he reached 1,000 career point on Wednesday night in the game against Maysville in the King City Tournament.
8 days ago, Ted Quinlin
Good luck to the South Holt varsity basketball teams as they participate in the King City Tournament this week. Girls play at 7:00 tonight. Boys play at 8:15 tonight. Bus leaves at 5:15pm. Go Knights!
9 days ago, Ted Quinlin
South Holt is Hiring! We are looking to fill a Curriculum Director position immediately, as well as an Art Instructor and HS English Instructor for the 25-26 school year. Please see the Employment Section on our website for a complete description and Applications. Contact Mrs Peavler with any questions at 660-446-2282.
10 days ago, South Holt R-1
Good luck to the South Holt varsity basketball teams as they participate in the King City Tournament this week. Boys play at 5:45 tonight. Girls play at 7:00 tonight. Go Knights!
11 days ago, Ted Quinlin
South Holt Courtwarming 2025. Queen: Courtney Jennings. King: Trevor Markt. Royalty: Anna Clough, Rachael Knapp, Zachary Schuman, Hayes Weller
13 days ago, Ted Quinlin
Tomorrow is Courtwarming at South Holt. Show your Knight Pride by wearing black and gold. Come out and support our basketball teams, and listen to our pep band, tomorrow night. Junior Varsity play starts at 5:30. Go Knights!
15 days ago, Mendenhall, Kristen
Tomorrow is Frozen Friday. Contact the Elementary Office if you have questions.
15 days ago, Mendenhall, Kristen
Show your Knight Pride by dressing in beach gear on Thursday for "Summer Knights." No swimsuits, please.
16 days ago, Mendenhall, Kristen
Summer Knights
There is an Elementary PTO Meeting on Thursday at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the elementary computer lab. The computer lab is in the lower elementary. All parents are welcome to be involved in PTO. Please come and help us prepare as we get ready for the Junior Hoopster Tournament. See you tomorrow at 6:00.
16 days ago, Mendenhall, Kristen